
Peggy Wynne

I have always had an interest in Photography, even as a young girl. In 1999 when my son was born, I realized that this is the path I wanted to take in life. I had been nursing as Peace Arch Hospital for 15 years, but decided to go after my true love - Photography.

My work is my passion and my two children are my inspiration. As a mom, I am keenly aware of the all too fleeting nature of childhood and the importance of having lasting images that can transport us back to that time of wonder each time we look at them.

My style of photography is unique. I do some traditional poses, but would rather watch and wait for the special moments that define who you are as an individual, couple or family.

I frequently educate myself throughout the year. This industry is forever changing and I absolutely love meeting fellow photographers at conventions to compare notes or discuss new ideas.

I believe that simple is beautiful and that photos are meant to make you smile or even “feel” that moment. I consistently try to deliver bright energetic photographs that showcase my unique creative eye and style.

I have a relaxed approach and calm demeanor to ensure you will always feel comfortable.

In summary, I adore what I do. I feel truly blessed to have found something in my life that puts a smile on my face and makes me proud to call a career.

“You can’t depend on your eyes, if your imagination is out of focus”- Mark Twain

“When you're following your energy and doing what you want all the time, the distinction between work and play dissolves.” - Shakti Gawain.